Saturday, October 13, 2018

जनहितमा जारी: Declared For Public Welfare

जनहितमा जारी
मानसीक स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा छोडीएको सबै भन्दा ठुलो भ्रम -  संसारका या नेपालका ३ या या जना मध्ये लाई मानसीक रोग रे

समस्या नहुने को होला ? यस्ता समस्याहरुको कि कारण कि परीणाम मानसीक नै हुन्छन्

यी समस्याहरुले दिनहुँको जीन्दगीको आरामी या आरोग्यता खुम्च्याउने, तन्काउने झुलाउने गर्छन् नै यी समस्याहरु जीन्दगीका स्वाभावीक प्रतिक्रियाहरु (Normal Reactions) हुन् यस्ता समस्याहरुमा खासै स्पष्ट लक्षणहरु देखीनन् , आउँछन् जान्छन मान्छेको उद्देलीत मनको जाँच लिईनै रहन्छन्

साथीभाईको साथ, देशको स्पष्ट कानुन, चाडपर्वहरु , प्रकृती , मान्छेको स्मरण उसमा निहित  जैबिक-मानसीक प्रकृयाहरु ठाउँमा छन् भने पर्याप्त हुन्छन्  यी-यस्ता समस्याहरु हल गर्न

हो यी-यस्तै खाले, हल्का जटील , साथ, समय परीवेश निर्देषित समस्याहरु जनामा एक जनालाई मात्र होइन , हरेक मानब मनलाई हुन्छ र छ   यी समस्याहरु मानसीक समस्याहरु हुन् यी समस्याहरुको डुङ्गा हामी सबैनै चढीरहहेका छौं प्रकृयाले काम गर्नुपर्छ यी समस्याहरु आफैनै हराएर जान्छन् पनि

अब फेरी यी यस्तै समस्याहरु अझ जटील भएर जाउँन , दिनहुँको जीन्दगीलाई तहस नहस बनाएर ब्यक्तिगत उपदेयीता चल्न नै नसक्ने बनाउन अनि आउने-जाने, निको हुने-नहुने गरी लक्षणहरु फर्फराईरहुन महिना , ६ महिना , बर्षदिन सम्म यस्तो भईरहोस् । हो , यी यस्ता लक्षणहरुको केही थान-संख्या उल्लेख्य समयको जटीलतालाई मानसीक रोग भनिन्छ फेरी मानसीकरोगको एउटा सामाजीक-साँस्कृतीक-आर्थिक-राजनैतिक-एतिहासीक-भौगोलीक पृष्ठभुमी हुन्छ

अब जनामा एक जना यानीकि १०० जनामा २५ जनालाई यस्तो रोग भईदियो भने उपचार पुर्नस्थापनाको अभावमा १२ जनाले ध्वन्षात्मक कार्यहरु गरेर संसार जलाउने मानसीक रोगीहरुको (पागलहरुको) बिल्ला भिर्लान् ( Paranoid, Borderline Personalities, Antisocial Personality Disorders, Paranoid Schizophrenic, Bipolar Disorders, etc) अरु ( Maternity Blues, Depression, Bipolar Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Drug Addiction, Shared Delusional Disorders, etc.) १३ जना घनघोर निराशामा बसेर आफैलाई हानी गर्ने कामहरु गर्लान्

सालाखाला आठ अर्ब मध्य अर्ब मान्छेले यस्तो गर्न थाले भने के होला ? संसार केही निमेषमै सिद्धिन्छ

यस्तो भएको देख्नु भएको ? होइन नी

अर्को कुरा के पनि हो भने लक्षणहरु देखाउँदा-देखाउँदै पनि केही झुप्पा लक्षणहरु मात्र भएर पनि त्यो मानसीक रोग हुन सक्दैन किनकी ब्यक्ति बास्तबिकतामा बाँची रहेको हुन सक्छ जब ब्यक्ति बास्तवीकता भन्दा पर रहन्छ तब मात्र यी लक्षणहरु रोग कहिलिन योग्य हुन्छन्

जीन्दगीको कुनै पाटो या समयमा मानीसले केही केही मानसीक रोगका लक्षणहरु अनुभव त गरीरहेको हुन्छ तर पनि ति लक्षणहरुको झुप्पा मानसीक रोग नै कहलिन योग्य हुँदैनन्

र एक महत्वपूर्ण कुरा के हो भने - रोगी , चिकित्सक, मनोबिद् र रोगीको साथ लाएर आएको आफन्त या शुभचिन्तकको आपसी (मनोबैज्ञानिक तर मौन , Psychological Contract) समजदारीमै रोगलाई एउटा पहिचान या नाम दिईन्छ र रोगलाई उपचारको प्रकृयामा लिएर गईन्छ ।

बिरामी या कुरुवामा उपचार प्रतिको बिश्वास स्थापित हुन सकेन भने उनीहरु जान सक्छन् किनकी उपचारमा राजी-मन्जुरी एकदमै महत्प्रर्ण हुन्छ ।

जसरी नेपालमा एक लाख जनामा १६ देखी २३ जनाले आत्महत्या गर्ने सम्भावना देखीएको छ त्यसै गरीनै लाखमा हामीले सालाखाला यतिनै , १६ देखी २५ जना , मानसीक रोगीहरु भेट्टाउँछौ ।

अझ नेपाल जस्तो साँस्कृतीक धार्मीक भौगोलीक - जलबायु बिबिधताले सम्पन्न देशमा यो संख्या झन् कम हुन आउँछ किनकी यीनिहरुले सामाजीक अन्तरकियालाई पृष्ठपोषण गरेर रोगहरु कम गराउन मद्दत गर्छन आखीर बिचारको रोग बिचारहरुले घटाउने-समाधान गर्ने हो र यी बिचारहरु मान्छे र अरु सामाजीक प्राँणीहरुको अन्र्तक्रियामा भर पर्छन् ।

कुरा स्पष्ट   बिदेशीहरु र केही मुठ्ठीभर नाफाखेरहरुका एनजीओ-आईएनजीओ (NGO-INGO) उनीहरुका औषधिका चक्कीहरु बिकाउन यो झुटको खेती बिकासन्मुख देशहरुमा गरीएको हो । अनि बिकसीत देशहरुमा औषधि उधोगहरुले आफ्नो बिक्री बढाउन र मनोरन्जनको दुब्र्यषन (Recreational Drugs) को रुपमा बिकाउन पनि यस्तो झुटको खेती (Hype) गरीरहेका छन्

यस्ता प्रबृतीहरु बारे पहिल्यै सर्तक रहुँ

कुरा स्पष्ट छ, अब मानसीक समस्याहरुमा नतीजामुलक काम गर्न थाल्न पर्यो र तथ्याङ्कहरुमा अल्मलाएर मान्छेहरुलाई उपचारहरुबाट बन्चीत हुन दिनुभएन ।

सेतोघोडा मनोसामाजीक केन्द्र


Declared For Public Welfare

One of the biggest mislead-lies about Mental Health/ Illness in developing countries like Nepal or the world is - '1 person out of every 3 or 4 or 5 are suffering from Mental Illness".

Can you point somebody who has no problems to deal? Every of the problems you encounter in your life have either psychological cause or consequences.

Obviously these problems will attack and dismantle-constrict-blow-suspend your day to day wellness and peace of mind. They are Normal Reactions of day to day life and in life. These problems will not have any specific signs-symptoms, they will be coming and going and playing-testing the turbulent mind. They are certain to test your adaptability.

A healthy backup from friends-relatives-communities, a strong law and order in the country to rely, festivities to celebrate, nature to enjoy, human memory and bio-psychological processes in a healthy frame, etc. and if are in their immediate psycho-sphere (system), a lot of consequences and reasons to problems will diminish and eventually resolve.

Yes problems as such, with these little extra complexities dependent more on relations-time-context has their tendency to derail any healthy human mind and not just one out of 3 or 4 or 5 person. The probabilities of psychological problems can be approximated to 100% of the population but at some points in their lives.

Every one of us is sailing or has sailed in the boat of Psychological Problems. These problems are called Psychological (Mental) Problems and not Mental Illness. If the immediate system works properly, problems as such would dissolve in matter of days.

And again when these little complex NormalReactions added with few more symptomatic features of a derailed mind (perception-cognition-physiology) and blown out of proportion to destroy the day to day productivity, impair personal functioning, relapsing-remitting in nature and occupying our psyche for months, 6 months, years then we call it Mental Illness. It is a collection of signs-symptoms and their complex interactions for a certain period of time. These illnesses will always have a social-cultural-economical-political-historical-geographical back drop, where they will nourish and flourish.

As hyped, let 1 out of 4 has mental illness. It means 25 people out of 100 people will have the illness and this will be in absence of proper treatment and rehabilitation.

In some way or other certain illnesses will provoke aggression and destructive tendencies if patients are not confined to proper rehabilitation and treatment procedures. People with illnesses as Paranoid Personalities, Borderline Personalities, Antisocial Personality Disorders, Paranoid Schizophrenic, Bipolar Disorders, etc will be deemed as crazy and as because they are disoriented from the reality. This extreme behaviour will be occupied in 50% of the patient. This means 12 patients will fall on the "crazy extreme" of the spectrum. The rest 13 on the spectrum like patients with Maternity Blues, Depression, Bipolar Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Drug Addiction, Shared Delusional Disorders, etc. have self destructive tendencies, suicidal ideation and extreme mood fluctuations. They will be carrying a lot of self destructive activities or totally neglecting their own existence.

In a world of around 8 billion people if 2 billion people have the above mentioned illnesses and tendencies, the fate of the world will certainly be doomed.

It will be destroyed in a matter of moments.

And have you seen as such doomsday in the history of humankind?


The other important point to consider is even having a collection of signs-symptoms is not enough inferring a person has mental illness because reality check of the person will be necessary. If a person is oriented to time, place and person he is less likely to be a psychotic person. A strict differential diagnosis is to be carried out before further conclusions.

People are sure to experience some signs and symptoms of mental illness at some points in their lives. But these symptoms may not qualify in numbers or intensity to be considered a Mental Illness.

Diagnosing, deriving a conclusion, classifying a disorder and setting up a treatment procedure are in fact a Psychological Contract between the clients, clinician and immediate caretaker of the client. If anyone of them is not OK with the procedure, they can walk out any moment.

Health and medicine has always been hit and trial procedures and consent is very much necessary in diagnosis and treatment.

The annual suicide death rate in Nepal is 16-23/ per one hundred thousand of the population. There are little more suicide attempts than this number. These numbers are approximately 90% of the total number of mentally ill. So approximately the number of mentally ill of psychological and therapeutic priority is around 16 to 25 in the given population unit (out of 1 hundred thousand).

And in a country rich in cultural-religious-geographical-climatic diversities, vulnerabilities-susceptibilities will interact with diversities. finally mitigating the proportion of illness. Most often Mental Illness is an illness of perception-thinking that can be altered by changing their thinking-acting pattern and which basically depends upon how man interacts with other elements of the society.
A handful of investors and profiteers who either want budget for their NGO or INGOs or increase the sale of their medical products-equipment are manipulating the data and providing a wrong statistics in developing countries. And they are the same people who are prescribing their medicine as recreational drugs in developed countries. These profiteers are intended to multiply their sales.

Beware of such malicious intentions.

It should be very much clear, a meaningful work should be done towards preventing mental problems and illnesses and one shouldn’t be deprived of treatment citing these irrelevant-faked statistics, as there will be never sufficient logistics to furnish that a faked chunk of numbers.

सेतोघोडा मनोसामाजीक केन्द्र
