Here is a quiz on cardiac risk factors tailored especially for women.
True or False?
For each "true" statement, give yourself the number of points indicated.
1)My parents or siblings have had a premature (before age 55 for men, or age 65 for women) heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery or angioplasty. (2 points)
2)I am age 55 or older, or post-menopausal. (1 point)
3)I am a smoker. (2 points)
4)I do not routinely exercise for at least 30 minutes, 4 times per week. (1 point)
5)My blood pressure is over 120/80. (1 point) I have diabetes or take medication for my blood sugar (2 points)
6)My HDL cholesterol is less than 50 mg/dl, or my total cholesterol is greater than 240 mg/dl, or I don't know my cholesterol levels (1 point)
7)I am 20 pounds or more overweight (1 point)
8)I am taking birth control pills (nonsmokers add 1 point, smokers add 2 points)
9)My blood CRP (C-Reactive Protein) level is elevated (1 point)
10)I have metabolic syndrome. (2 points) (Metabolic syndrome is any three of the following: high blood sugar, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, hypertension, and central obesity ("fat belly."))
Add up your points. If your score is 5 or higher, your risk of developing heart disease is high. If your score is 2 - 4, your risk is moderate. If your score is 0 - 1, your risk is low.
If your risk is high, you need see a doctor soon for a cardiac evaluation, and for help with aggressive risk modification. If your risk is moderate, you should see a doctor for a complete risk assessment and for guidance in risk modification. Even if your risk is low, you need to deal with any modifiable risk factors you have (those mentioned in statements 3 - 11.)
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