Wednesday, August 17, 2011

परिचय : क्लव साइकोलोजी (Klub Psychology)

परिचय : क्लव साइकोलोजी (Klub Psychology : सेतोघोडा मनोसामाजीक सेवा)

क्लव (KLUB) नामले लोकप्रिय तथा चिरपरिचित क्लव साइकोलोजी (KLUB PSYCHOLOGY) हाम्रो आफ्नै सामूहिक लक्ष्य हो । हाम्रो उद्देश्य बौद्धिकता, धैर्यता, समर्पण र शक्तिको बलमा, यूवा तथा कर्मको नाराद्वारा मनोसामाजिक सेवामा परिर्वतन गर्ने हो ।

वि.सं.२०६४ साल पुषदेखि गृहकार्य तथा बिभिन्न मनोसामाजिक अनुसन्धानका कामहरु गर्दै आज वि.संं.२०६८ साल साउनमा स्थापित यस क्लव साइकोलोजी बिभिन्न बिज्ञता तथा प्राज्ञिकताका मनोसामाजिक व्यवसायिकहरुको साझा केन्द्र हो । सबै खाले मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याको सम्बोधन गर्ने उद्देश्यले नै यसको स्थापना भएको हो । हामी चाहन्छौं क्लव हरेक मनोसामाजिक समस्याहरु विरुद्ध काम गर्ने एक मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रयोगशाला बनोस् जहाँ प्रयोग, शिक्षण र प्राविधिकहरुको उत्पादन साथसाथै होस् ।

उद्देश्य :
सबै खाले मनोसामाजिक सेवाको अब्बल प्रदायक हुनुनै हाम्रो पहिलो लक्ष्य हो । यसका साथसाथै सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व अन्तर्गत राष्ट्रिय रुपमा आईपर्ने बिभिन्न घटना तथा दुर्घटनाले ल्याउने मानसिक समस्याहरुमा स्वयंसेवा र भविष्यमा आउने यस्ता समस्याहरुको मानसिक जोखिम न्यूनिकरण गर्नका लागि अनुसन्धान गर्नु हाम्रो प्राथमिकतामा पर्छन् । हामी आशा राख्छौं र प्रण लिन्छौं कि हामी हाम्रो क्लवलाई मानसिक स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रको एक महत्वपूर्ण कोशेढुङ्गो बनाउने छौं । यस कठिन तथा लामो यात्रामा हिड्दै गर्दा तपाईहरुको स्नेह, प्रेरणा तथा सुझावहरु पाइनै रहनेछौं भन्ने हाम्रो विश्वास छ ।

लक्ष्य :
नेपालजस्तो अल्पविकशित तथा विकाशोन्मुख देशमा स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा मात्र खर्चनुपर्ने आयातित अरबौंको औषधि तथा चिकित्सकीय प्रविधि राष्ट्रिय आर्थिक घाटा हो । हाम्रा सेवा, सुविधा तथा कार्यक्रमहरुको उद्देश्य नै फजुलमा खर्च भएको यो अरबौं रकमलाई गासबासकपासका साथै शिक्षा र देश विकासमा रुपान्तरण गर्न मनोसामाजिक प्रेरणा दिनु हो । गास, बास, कपास स्वस्थ मन, तन र एउटा शिक्षित र विकशित समाज नै एक सामान्य मानिसको सपना हो । हो, मनोसामाजिक सचेतनाका कार्यक्रमहरुद्वारा (Medical Counselling) समाधानका सामान्य तरीकाहरु जनमानसमा प्रेसित गरी मनोसामाजिक प्रेरणा दिनु हाम्रो लक्ष्य हो ।

प्रतिवद्धताहरु :
गुणस्तरिय मनोसामाजिक सेवा नै हाम्रो न्यून तथा पहिलो प्रतिवद्धता हो । हाम्रा सेवाहरुको असरले तपाईमा यावत सृजनशिल परिवर्तनहरु हुनेछन् । शायद सारा मनोसामाजिक सेवाको गुणस्तर नै हाम्रो सेवाको आधारमा नापिनेछ । ज्ञानको आदानप्रदानको लागि एक सम्प्रेषणशिल वातावरणको सृजना गर्नुनै क्लवले आफ्नो प्राथमिकतामा राखेको छ । हामीले हाम्रा सेवाहरुलाई नाफामूलक व्यवसायिकीकरण मात्र गरेका छैनौं कि हाम्रा सेवाग्राहीहरुलाई सिक्ने, जान्ने तथा दक्षताको विकास गर्ने र बिभिन्न मनोसामाजिक सेवाहरुमा नेतृत्व प्रदान गर्न सक्षम बनाउन चाहेका छौं ।

सेवाहरु :
हामी तपाईहरुलाई क्याप्सुल थेरापी (Capsule Therapy) नामक एक मनोबैज्ञानिक उपचार पद्दतीको विज्ञ सेवा दिनको लागि तयार छौं । यहाँ नृत्य, संगीत, रंग तथा चित्रकारिता र मनोबैज्ञानिक परामर्शका पद्दतीहरु प्रयोग गरिन्छ । साँच्चै व्यक्तिगत परामर्श, सामूहिक परामर्श, शिथिलिकरणका उपायहरु हामी आफ्नै नाम र प्रायोजनमा प्रयोग गछौं । आगामी केही महिनाहरुमा हामी मनोचिकित्सकीय सेवाहरु, योग, ध्यान, प्राणायाम तथा आयुर्वेद क्लिनिकहरु अझ व्यवस्थितरुपमा संचालनमा ल्याउने छौं ।

तपाईहरुसँग आवद्ध हुन, हामीमा सहभागिता जनाउन र जान्न बुझ्नका लागि अरु धेरै कार्यक्रमहरु बनाउने सोंचमा छौं । हाम्रा दक्ष, विज्ञहरुको समूहमा मनोबैज्ञानिक र मनोचिकित्सक, योग गुरु, शिक्षाविद्, संगीतकार, कलाकार, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता, व्यवस्थापक, मनोबैज्ञानिक परामर्शदाता, सुरक्षा निकायका अनुभवीहरु र इञ्जिनियर आदि, इत्यादिहरु छन् । हाम्रा निम्न सेवाहरु प्रदान गछौं :
1.    Capsule Therapy
2.    Counselling (Group and Individual)
3.    Relationship & Marriage Counselling
4.    Music & Dance Therapy
5.    Art and Color Therapy
6.    Psychiatric Clinic
7.    Mobile Mental Health Camp
8.    Motivational Classes
9.    Yoga & Meditation
10.Brainstorming Sessions
11.Education & Training
12.Sport Counselling (Clinical)
13.Human Resource Development
14.Psychology in Film-making

आशा गछौं, तपाईको सहभागिता नै हाम्रो चाहाना र प्रेरणाको ७नतसोत हुनेछ । स्वस्थ सुझाव र सृजनशिल उत्पे्ररणा नै क्लव र हाम्रो लागि चाहिने खुराक हो र ती सुझावहरु समेट्न हामी सदैव आतुर छौं

क्याप्सुल थेरापी (Capsule Therapy)

यो एक किसिमको पुर्नसिर्जनात्मक मनोबैज्ञानिक उपचार पद्दतीको प्याकेज हो । यो एक आवधिक (One Session) समूहगत उपचार पद्दती हो जहाँ एक समूहका विज्ञहरुले पचास वा सो भन्दा बढी सेवाग्राहीहरुलाई उपचार प्रदान गर्नेछन् ।

यो थेरापीको पहिलो उद्देश्य नै तपाईको तनावको अध्ययन, पहिचान र व्यवस्थापन हो । ज्वरो शारिरीक समस्याहरुको पहिलो जानकारी भएजस्तै, तनाव मनोसामाजिकर मनोबैज्ञानिक समस्याहरुको पहिलो जानकारी हो । हामीले प्रयोग गरेका बिभिन्न तरीका र तपाईले क्याप्सुल थेरापी (Capsule Therapy) मा दिएका सूचनाको आधारमा तपाईको रोग पत्ता लगाउने छौं ।

यतिमात्र होइन, क्याप्सुल थेरापी (Capsule Therapy) को उपचार बृत्तमा (Therapeutic Arena) तपाईहरुमा निहित व्यक्तित्व, सृजनशिलता, परिपक्वता र नेतृत्व क्षमताले विकशित हुने मौका पाउँदछ ।

यो पद्दतीमा तपाई आफै क्रियाशिल हुन सक्नुहुन्छ किनकि यसका इकाईहरु तपाई आफै सिक्न सक्नुहुन्छ । आगामी दिनमा आफ्नै तवरले यसलाई प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ । जीवनमा आइपर्ने एक्लोपना र अल्छिपनाबाट मुक्त हुन सक्नुहुनेछ । हाम्रो संयुक्त प्रयासबाट बषौंदेखिको समस्याबाट मुक्त हुन तपाईलाई सहयोग मिल्नेछ । यसले जानेका कुरा एकअर्कामा सिक्न र सिकाउन पनि मद्दत मिल्नेछ ।
हामी हाम्रा सेवाग्राहीहरुलाई क्याप्सुल थेरापीमा निर्भर भएको देख्न चाहन्नौं । यसैले यो उपचार पद्दतीलाई एक आवधिक (One Session) बनाएका छौं । सिक्ने हो, जान्ने हो र यसलाई आफ्नै तरीकाले प्रयोग गर्ने हो र सकिन्छ अरुहरुलाई सिकाउने हो । तर पनि कोही केही निश्चित इकाईहरु / आयामहरुमा (Therapeutic Module) मा दक्ष हुन चाहन्छ भने यी इकाईहरुको विस्तृत रुपमा सिकाउन हामी तयार छौं । तपाई समय र लगाव लिएर आउनुहोस् र यी विज्ञ सेवाहरु सिक्नुहोस् ।

एउटा ठूलो समूहलाई लिएर यस उपचार पद्दतीको उद्देश्य प्राप्त गर्नु आफैमा सजिलो छैन । यस पद्दतीका आफ्नै सिमानाहरु छन् तरपनि हामी आफ्नो तर्फबाट यथासक्य प्रयास गर्नेछौं । तर यस कार्यमा तपाईको साझेदारी, भागीदारी र हिस्सेदारी अत्यावश्यक छ ।

मानिसहरुसँग समस्या छन् र हामीलाई लाग्छ केही हदसम्म ती समस्याहरु समाधान गर्ने गुण ती मानिसहरुमा नै निहित हुन्छन् । यो प्रक्रियामा हामी त केवल उत्प्रेरक (Motivator and Starter) मात्र हौं । साँच्चै नै क्याप्सुल थेरापी र हामीले प्रदान गर्ने कुनै पनि उपचार पद्दती सारा समस्याहरुको रामवाण भने होइनन् ।

सुधार केन्द्रहरुमा यो पद्दती निकै नै प्रभावकारी देखिएको छ । किनकी यसमा संगीत छ, मनोरञ्जन छ त्यसैले यो पुर्नसिर्जनात्मक छ । सुधारगृहमा रहने मानिसहरुको (दौंतरी) दैनिकीलाई झिंझोरहित बनाउने प्रयासमा यो सफल रहेको देखिन्छ ।
यस थेरापीले मानसिक रोगहरु जस्तैः Schizophrenia, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Paranoid Ideations, Hypomania, Suicidal Ideations र अरु यस्तै समस्याहरुको पहिचान, नियमन र उपचारमा राम्रो प्रभाव पारेको देखिन्छ । हाम्रो यो उपचार पद्दतीमा कम्तीमा पनि ५४ जना सेवाग्राहीहरु सम्मिलित हुनेछन्, जसमा उस्तै खाले समस्याहरु, मनोबैज्ञानिक प्राथमिकताहरु, उमेर, रहनसहन, सामाजिक स्थितिहरु हुनेछन् । यो थेरापी कहाँ, कुन समय र मितिमा हुने हो हामी तपाईहरुलाई अवगत गराउने नै छौं । साधारणतया साढेचार देखि ५ घण्टासम्म हुने यो उपचार पद्दतीमा ६ वटै इकाईहरु लागू गर्न सकिने छ । यसका इकाईहरु निम्न प्रकारका छन् :

१)   क्लवको समायोजित निरिक्षण प्रणाली (Klub Integrated Test (KIT) :
तपाईमा रहेको तनाव र उत्प्रेरणा दुवै नाप्ने यो एक मनोबैज्ञानिक निरिक्षण प्रणाली (Psychological Test) हो । क्याप्सुल थेरापीको शुरु र अन्त्यमा गरी दुई भागमा सेवाग्राहीहरुलाई गर्न दिइने यो टेष्ट लुकेर रहेको मनोसामाजिक समस्याहरु खोतल्न (Part 1) सहयोगी हुन्छ । साथसाथै क्याप्सुल थेरापी सिद्धिएपछि सेवाग्राहीमा आएका यावत परिवर्तनहरु थाहा पाउन (Part Two) पनि सहयोग मिल्छ ।

२. संगीत इकाई (Mus-psyche)
यो इकाईमा तपाईको भावनालाई संगीतको सहाराले बाहिर ल्याउने प्रयास गरिनेछ । संगीत उपचार पद्दतीको ९ःगकष्अ त्जभचबउथ० यो छोटो र परिष्कृत रुप हो ।

३. नृत्य इकाई (Selo-psyche)
तामाङ्ग सेलो गीतमा हुने झ्याउरे नाचमा आधारित रहेको यो इकाई नृत्य उपचार पद्दतीको छोटो रुप हो । तपाईका भावनाहरुमाथि र त्यसका अस्तव्यस्ताहरुलाई माझ्ने, तिर्खार्ने काम यस पद्दतीद्वारा गरिन्छ । यो नृत्य उपचार पद्दती (Dance Therapy) को छोटो र परिष्कृत रुप हो ।

४. रंग तथा चित्रकारिता इकाई (Craft-psyche)
रंग र चित्रहरुको प्रयोग हुने यस इकाई तपाईलाई प्रेरित गर्न उपचार बृत्तमा (Therapeutic Arena) प्रयोग हुन्छ । चित्रहरु र रंग मार्फत तपाई आफ्नो जिन्दगीको कथा सिनेमामा जस्तै उतार्न÷कोर्न सक्नुहुनेछ र सायद आफ्ना समस्याहरुमाथि आफै प्रस्तुत हुन सक्नुहुनेछ । रंग र चित्रकारीता उपचार पद्दती (Color & Art Therapy) को यो छोटो र परिष्कृत रुप हो ।

५. परामर्श इकाई (Lore Psyche)
Craft-psyche मा कोरेका समस्याहरुमाथि हरेक (२७ जोडी÷५४ सेवाग्राही) जोडीमा एकले अर्कालाई जानेबुझेको कुरा परामर्श दिने यस इकाईमा सम्भाव्य उत्तरहरु खोजी गरिन्छ । यस इकाई मार्फत तपाईमा निहित क्षमताहरुलाई उत्साहित गरिन्छ । यो व्यक्तिव्यक्तिबीच हुने परामर्शको (Man to Man Counselling or Peer Counselling) छोटो र परिष्कृत रुप हो ।

६. अन्तिम प्रतिवेदन र व्यवसायिक परामर्श (Final reports with Corporate Counselling):
यस उपचार पद्दती (Capsule Therapy) लिन आउने हरेक सेवाग्राहीलाई हामी कुनै रोगी सरह नमानी परिस्थतिजन्य प्रतिक्रिया जनाउने सामान्य मान्छे (Reacting Normals) सरह लिन्छौं । तपाईमा समस्याहरु छन्भने माथिका ५ इकाई र त्यसका मापकहरुद्वारा पत्ता लगाउने प्रयास गर्नेछौं र विज्ञहरुको उपस्थितिमा हामी तपाईलाई गोलमेचमा राखेर सुझाव तथा परामर्श दिने प्रयास गर्नेछौं ।

यो उपचार पद्दतीमा शिथिलिकरणका उपायहरुको (Relaxation Techniques) प्रयोग तथा धेरै बिषयमा छोटोमिठो परिचयात्मक (Orientations) जानकारी पनि पेश गर्नेछौं ।

हामीलाई आशा छ मनोविज्ञान खोतल्ने यो यात्रामा तपाई हाम्रो सहयात्री र सल्लाहकार दुवै हुनुहुनेछ ।
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Klub Psychology : सेतोघोडा मनोसामाजीक सेवा
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सेतो घोडा
सभागृहचोक -, पोखरा ।
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Facebook @ Klub Psychology : सेतोघोडा

क्लव साइकोलोजी : एक कदम अगाडि , हरेकदिन ।

Monday, August 15, 2011

About Klub Psychology

About Klub Psychology (KP)

Klub Psychology, popularly known as Klub, is our collective dream. Our motto is With strength, intellect, patience and dedication, Youth and Karma for a change in psychosocial services.

We laid its foundation stone on Paush 2064 B.S/2008. We launched our purpose through different volunteer work and psychosocial researches. Finally on this date 2011 August/ Shrawan 2068 B.S. we have established it as an organization providing every and A1 psychosocial services comprising of experts and academician of Human Science in order to address all level of mental health. We desire Klub to be a psychosocial lab where there are experiments and education on human psyche & the production of mental health experts. We aspire to make it A Hammer against all psychosocial problems.Sure Klub in near future would be an “ultimate junction of clients and professionals for the common purpose of navigating their psyche.”

Mission: The mission of our Klub is to provide and address all level of mental health services. Klub is aligned to create a distinction in the services provided through the production of different experts via the establishment of mental health and allied academic institutions. We hope, we would be able to create a mecca of mental health services. We have embarked on this tough and long journey. We are for sure there will be your encouragement, support and guidance.

Goals: Our goal is to create a milieu for psychosocial services. In a developing country like Nepal, what we believe is a loss of national economy, is millions of fund invested in health sectors and importing medicine and medical facilities. Our programs, approaches integrate and intercept the vary theme that if we are able to save this lost economy, we may be able to utilize it for food, education, building better homes and building a better country; a common man’s dreams. It is through psychological awareness about the nature of problem and probable hints and collective approach towards the solutions, that we can achieve this goal.

Commitments: We are committed towards providing quality psychosocial services which is our motto too. You will feel and observe innovative changes in psychosocial services. You would realize Klub always provides a conducive environment to impart and share knowledge. We don’t only intent to commercialize our psychosocial services and sell tickets for conducting therapeutic sessions. We give an equal opportunity for the learning, exploring, developing expertise and leadership about the range of psychosocial services provided by the Klub so that our clients are able to carry these range of skills further on their own. We hope to create self-sufficient clients.

We offer: At present we render you with Capsule Therapy that incorporates improvised, innovative and shorter forms of Dance Therapy, Music therapy, Colour & Art therapy and Counselling. We also provide Individual Counselling, Group Counselling; Relaxation Techniques with our own designated name and approaches. In days ahead to come we would organize Psychiatric Clinic, Meditation, Yoga and Ayurvedic Clinics; Mobile Mental Health Camp. There are lots of other programs ahead to explore and participate.

Our group of expertise providing psychosocial services comprises of psychologist, psychotherapist, medical technician, academician, musicians, artists, social workers, administrators, consultant, lawyer, expert of security agencies, engineer, etc. Our lists of services are:

  1. Capsule Therapy

2. Counselling

3. Relationship & Marriage Counselling

4. Music & Dance Therapy

5. Art and Color Therapy

6. Psychiatric Clinic

7. Mobile Mental Health Camp

8. Motivational Classes

9. Yoga & Meditation

10. Brainstorming Sessions

11. Education & Training

12. Sport Counselling (Clinical)

13. Human Resource Development

14. Psychology in Film-making

Your participation is what we hope.

Healthy suggestions and constructive encouragement is a must Capsule for the Klub and KPians. We still have many rooms left for improvements and to implement your creative critiques and innovative ideas.

About Capsule Therapy (CT)

Capsule Therapy is a recreational psychotherapeutic battery. CT at present is a one session group therapy with a blend of encounter group therapy approaches and is run by a group of experts.

The basic therapeutic goal of the CT is to undertake and manage your stress. Yet what we know is that stress is just first hand information and precipitating factor for underlining psychosocial problems. We, through the methods of content analysis of the information given by you in incorporated therapeutic modules, are able to detect them. But your support is a must.

Apart this therapy, within the therapeutic arena, fosters your creativity, individuality, maturity, leadership and also insight about the psychological restraints, cause and consequences. It is a quality therapeutic process, where for sure, there is a recreational involvement. A sense of relief from the monotony of the problem would be certified to you, you will feel. Our support would always motivate you during the therapy, we hope. We hope sharing the information and learning to tackle them.

CT has been made a one session therapy because we don’t want our clients to be dependent on any sort of therapies we conduct. However, if our clients are recommended or are interested in any of the modules under CT, we would be pleased to showcase our expertise under various therapies that we deliver session wise.

Despite some therapeutic constraints dealing with a huge group, the attainment of the subject, content and the therapeutic value with your cooperation and motivation is more a refreshment and an achievement on research module..

People have problems and they have their own solutions to most problems, we believe. This therapeutic battery acts as a motivator and prelude towards client’s own problem solving approaches. For sure Capsule Therapy is not a capsulated solution to all their problems.

This therapy has been highly effective for the rehab inmates as a recreational therapy against the boredom of the inmate life. As far this therapy has dealt with the clients cohabiting Schizophrenia, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Paranoid Ideations, Hypomania, Suicidal Ideations and many other problems whose origin is the psychosphere that we inhabit.

CT is a group therapy for therapist and a form of encounter groups for clients. There are many elements constituted that makes it a Cognitive Therapy. We commence a therapeutic session for a group of 54 clients of similar psychological priority, age groups and other socio-demographic variables.

CT uses around 4 and half hour to 5 hour of your precious time for you to explore the 6 major therapeutic modules that are included in the psychotherapeutic battery. They are;

1) Klub’s Integrated Tests (KIT): We handle your stress and motivational factors and use it analytically for the content analysis of underlining psychosocial problems. It is a two par psychological test where the 1st part would decode your stress and the 2nd part would assess your motivation after the conclusion of the therapy.

2) Mus-psyche: We elicit your emotions through music that helps you to lead you to execute it into actions. It is a shorter but an improvised version of MUSIC THERAPY.

3) Selo-psyche: We let you execute your emotions into action through the dance sequences that you will learn and perform. It is a shorter but an improvised version of DANCE THERAPY.

4) Craft-psyche: We use it more from motivational point of view within the therapeutic arena. We help you to substitute your problems and colour your life. A cinema is created in the canvas about problems and may be probable solutions. It is a shorter but an improvised version of ART and COLOUR THERAPY

5) Lore-psyche: We let you create your own insight about problems depicted in Craft-psyche. We encourage you to use your potentialities in a client to client counselling design to solve that problem of your life. It is a shorter version to counselling methods.

6) Final reports with Corporate Counselling (CC): We treat you as a Reacting Normal. We extract your problems from the 5 modules of CT by the use of content analysis and counsel them with a group of expertise in a round table.

This psychotherapeutic battery also consist a blend of Relaxation Techniques and orientations to various techniques and topics related to the context of the therapeutic arena.

We hope you there with us.

For further enquiry, please contact us at:

Klub Psychology


Address: Seto Ghoda, Sabhagriha Chowk-8, Pokhara, Nepal

Klub Psychology is a psychosocial service provider.

Our motto: One step ahead; everyday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Color Therapy

What are the healing effects of color?

According to color therapy, colors are capable of influencing many aspects of our lives, including our mood, mental state and energy level. Each color is thought to be associated with one of seven energy centers, or chakras, in ayurveda. If a person's chakra is thought to be out of balance or weak, the color it's associated with is believed to help strengthen it.
· Red
Red is thought to be linked to the base chakra and the spine, hips and legs. It's thought to stimulate and boost physical energy, strengthen willpower, increase circulation, clear congestion and is linked with sexuality. Too much red may overstimulate and possibly promote anger or aggressiveness.
· Orange
Orange is thought to encourage joy, socializing and optimism, which is why it's considered useful for depression or sadness. Orange is associated with the sacral chakra and it's believed to benefit the kidneys, urinary tract and the reproductive organs. Too much orange is thought to lead to tiredness, pessimism and confusion.
· Yellow
Yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra. An imbalance in the solar plexus chakra is thought to promote fear, apprehension, confusion, lack of determination, introversion or power issues, which this color is believed to balance. Yellow is associated with the intellect and mental processes and is uplifting. The solar plexus chakra is also thought to influence the digestive system. Too much yellow is believed to lead to poor concentration and hyperactivity.
· Green
Green is a color that's thought to encourage emotional stability, purity and calmness. It's related to the heart chakra, so it's believed to help with emotional issues, such as love, forgiveness, trust and compassion. An imbalance in the heart chakra is associated with fear of relationships, mistrust, jealousy, isolation and insecurity.
· Blue
Blue is related to the throat chakra and is said to be connected to the throat and lungs. It's thought to enhance verbal expression and communication, artistic expression and willpower. It's a calming color and is believed to help insomnia, anxiety, throat problems, high blood pressure, migraine and skin irritation.
· Indigo
Indigo is associated with the third eye chakra, located between the eyes, and is related to the eyes and the lower part of the head. It's said to encourage greater intuition and strengthen the lymph system, immune system and help purify and cleanse the body.
· Purple or Violet
Purple, or violet, is associated with the crown chakra, which is at the top of the head. It's thought to encourage spirituality, intuition, wisdom, mastery and mental strength and focus. Too much purple is thought to promote pride and arrogance. Too much of purple, violet or orange also mark a distinctive personality trait to show off belongings or status.
Note: This information should be used for education only and should not be used to diagnose or treat disease. There is no evidence that color therapy can be used to treat, alone or in conjunction with standard therapy, any condition or disease. If you have any symptoms, please see your primary care provider.
By Cathy Wong, Guide
Klub Psychology: One step ahead, everyday.